Rehabilitation and lifecycle project for the Peter Hemingway Aquatic Centre.
Project Update - Fall 2024
The facility remains closed as rehabilitation work continues. Major repair work to the pool basin and pool deck is ongoing. Interior upgrades and replacement of the facility’s HVAC, pool mechanical system, building envelope and roof system is underway.
Phase One of the rehabilitation project is nearing completion and Phase Two is underway.
Peter Hemingway Aquatic Centre is anticipated to reopen in 2026 along with the new Coronation Park Sports and Recreation Centre.
Project Overview
Peter Hemingway Aquatic Centre opened in 1971 and was identified in the 2019-2022 Capital Budget as a priority for rehabilitation to upgrade its 50-year-old mechanical, structural and electrical systems, building exterior and roof. Once completed, this rehabilitation will allow Edmontonians to enjoy the facility for decades to come.
Phase One rehabilitation work includes replacement of the building systems and rehabilitation of the pool basin.
During this phase, issues with the building envelope, mechanical and electrical systems, as well as the pool basin were uncovered. These affected operations and public safety, and necessitated starting Phase Two rehabilitation work once Phase One was almost complete. Continued closure of the facility is necessary until the rehabilitation project is complete.
Phase Two rehabilitation funding was approved by Edmonton City Council in spring 2023. This phase addresses further lifecycle needs of the facility and integration of accessibility and sustainability policies. A major piece of this rehabilitation project is the replacement of the building exterior, the glass curtain wall panels, roofing assembly, lighting and perimeter drainage to improve environmental performance. Other work includes whirlpool, sauna, steam room and bleacher modifications as well as the addition of an elevator to improve accessibility.
Planning and design for this part of the project was coordinated with the City’s Heritage Advisor to ensure the historical significance of the building is respected and protected.
The rehabilitation project was designed with a focus on improving energy efficiency, reducing emissions and improving indoor air quality while aiming to achieve LEED certification.
Edmonton's Peter Hemingway Aquatic Centre building location and hours, facility description, swimming pool schedules, swimming lessons, rental information and accessibility.