Project Update - Project update - November 2024
Construction started in August 2024 and has now wrapped up for the season.
Due to delays prior to launching construction, work will not wrap up before the end of 2024, as was previously projected. It is now anticipated this park will be complete and open to the public before the end of summer 2025.
View the final design
Project Overview
The City of Edmonton is developing a new park at the southeast corner of 107 Avenue and 105 Street, as part of the 107 Avenue Revitalization Project.
This park will support a sustainable, vibrant, interactive and green community, along with the revitalization of 107 Avenue. Program elements for the park were developed through public engagement inputs, internal City stakeholders and City policy and guidelines.
The highest-ranked elements included lighting, a performance area, a child-friendly area, a paved festival space, trees and shrubs and the introduction of colour. The proposed scope of work includes:
- Plaza - hard surface festival/event space and gathering space
- Raised stage - performance area with power cabinet for event equipment
- Screening - the south property line will be outlined with attractive screening
- Landscape - high-headed shade trees with soil cells, low maintenance plantings, casual child-friendly play interaction area
- Park shade shelter at north edge - highlights a park entrance, enhances the transit waiting area, winter break place with seating and lighting
- Gateway feature - to highlight the key park entry from the intersection
- Casual gathering area - festival/event seating area with stand-up tables, picnic tables and benches
- Seating - Accessible seating with backs and arms, concrete seating walls, social and community interaction area with durable finishes
- Child-friendly space - landscape features attractive to children and families for casual, unstructured play with rubberized colourful surfacing and playful casual seating
- Lighting - pedestrian scale lights and glow lighting in the gateway canopy
- Additional furnishings - water bottle filling station and waste receptacles
- 105 Street right-hand turn lane closure to expand usable park area
The park is scheduled for construction in 2024 with opening anticipated for fall 2024, weather permitting.