Strong neighbourhoods contribute to quality of life for everyone — clean streets, vibrant local businesses, walkable communities with nearby amenities and parkland, and an environment that shuns crime and violence.
Steps to build social infrastructure and strengthen neighbourhoods are among the most important investments made in the health and well being of Edmonton’s communities. They are often less visible than the roads that are paved or the facilities that are built, but they are essential to support strong, vibrant communities.
Through Neighbourhood Revitalization, community members are supported as they identify and resolve issues within their neighbourhoods. The community members direct the kinds of initiatives that they want to see, and lead changes that will have the greatest impact on quality of life.
Neighbourhood revitalization is a process which identifies the strengths, issues, challenges and potential of a particular area. Together, people, businesses, and organizations determine goals and action plans to strengthen and improve the quality of life in their community.
Connecting people within their neighbourhood, people, businesses and organizations in the area meet with City staff and agree to participate in a consultation process to determine community goals and action plan.