A street scene in Old Strathcona

The Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy envisions a new future for parks, plazas, parking lots, sidewalks, alleys and streets. The Strategy incorporates input from Edmontonians, key actions, public realm concept and recommended improvements.

Building on the public engagement feedback collected in Phase 1 (August 2022), Phase 2 (February - March 2023) and Phase 3 (March - April 2024), as well as an area analysis and alignment with The City Plan and other policies, the Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy (16.44 MB) contains the:

  • Overall public realm concept and key actions
  • Recommended improvements, considerations, trade-offs and opportunities 
  • Implementation and next steps 

Together the actions and recommendations will strengthen the area as a place to live, work and play by: 

  • Creating and improving parks and plazas
  • Repurposing parking lots
  • Introducing redevelopment opportunities 
  • Prioritizing pedestrians and widening sidewalks
  • Activating alleyways