What's included in the Neighbourhood Structure Plan
Neighbourhood Structure Plans (NSP) describe the general pattern of development for a new residential neighbourhood.
The policies of the NSP guide the next stages of neighbourhood development, including zoning, subdivision, infrastructure design and construction.
The Horse Hill Neighbourhood 1A NSP must also address the Designing New Neighbourhoods Outcomes.
The Horse Hill Neighbourhood 1A NSP includes the following elements:
- Design vision and development objectives
- Type and location of residential, commercial and other land uses
- Transportation, cycling and pedestrian (active modes) network
- Size and configuration of parks and natural areas
- Expected populations and densities
- Servicing scheme including water, sewer and stormwater management facilities
- General staging pattern for development
The draft Horse Hill Neighbourhood 1A Development Concept Map outlines general area layout.
The draft Horse Hill Neighbourhood 1A Detailed Maps include information about servicing.
The draft Horse Hill Neighbourhood 1A Statistics include population forecasts.