Collective agreements are important contracts that outline key terms and conditions of employment for unionized employees. These contracts require regular renewal through the collective bargaining process.

Status of Negotiations

Amalgamated Transit Union (Local 569) - MainBargaining continues; dates have been scheduled through March 2025.
Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 30A tentative agreement has been reached. CUPE Local 30 will now hold a ratification vote.
Civic Service Union 52An agreement is in place until the end of 2024.  Bargaining continues; dates have been scheduled through March & April 2025.
International Brotherhood of Electrical WorkersAn agreement is in place until the end of 2024. Bargaining continues; dates have been scheduled through March 2025.
Edmonton Fire Fighters UnionAn agreement is in place until the end of 2023. Notice to begin bargaining has been received.
Edmonton Police AssociationBargaining continues; dates have been scheduled through March 2025.
Edmonton Police Service Senior Officers’ AssociationBargaining continues; dates to be confirmed.

Contact Us

Labour Relations Team
