The Corporate Policy Framework replaces City Policies with Council Policies and Administrative Directives with Administrative Policies. Until existing City Policies and Administrative Directives are reviewed and replaced, they remain in effect.

The Corporate Policy Framework provides direction for City employees who develop, approve or implement strategy and policy, or who use its tools to direct operational activities. The framework defines policy tools available to them, what they can be used for, and who is accountable for key parts of the policy management process.

Council Policies

Council Policies are commitments to residents and the community, are aspirational in nature, and provide Administration with strategic direction.

Council policies can set direction or can be used to provide further strategic direction by activating Policy Directions in the Edmonton City Plan.

Council policies can also be used to set standards and processes for City Councillors and their staff. 

Administrative Policies

Administrative Policies provide direction to City of Edmonton employees on strategic and organizational matters that are under the authority of the City Manager.

City Administration Bylaw 16620  identifies the items that are delegated.


Standards are compliance-oriented requirements that help ensure work is completed to a minimum level of quality. A policy or strategic statement is not required.


Guidelines suggest a course of action or provide decision-making criteria to guide actions of employees. Guidelines promote consistency but are not compliance-oriented.