Ottewell has been chosen for neighbourhood renewal. Construction started in 2023.

Preparing for Construction - February 2025

Planning and design has been underway for Ottewell Neighbourhood Renewal since fall 2020. Construction began in the neighbourhood in 2023 and continues to progress.

The project team has been working in coordination with EPCOR during the planning of drainage work in Ottewell. Now that the scope and schedule of construction is set for the EPCOR drainage project, the Neighbourhood Renewal team has made adjustments to the City’s schedule. These changes will minimize construction impacts to the community and prevent rework.

The Neighbourhood Renewal project is set to be complete in 2027.

The Project Team is now inviting you to learn, ask questions and share your feedback and perspectives to identify potential impacts you may experience during construction in the rest of Ottewell.

  • Review the final design for remaining construction
  • Meet the Project Team at a drop-in event

Sign up below to receive news and updates on Ottewell Neighbourhood Renewal.

We commit to using your feedback to inform communication during construction.

Scope Map

Ottewell Scope Map

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Local Improvements


Property owners within the boundaries of the first 2 years of construction of the Ottewell neighbourhood had the opportunity to participate in the Local Improvement decision.

Property owners were mailed a local improvement package dated February 3, 2023 which included information about the sidewalk reconstruction Local Improvement and a form for those who wished to petition against. The 30-day petition period has since expired. Since the City did not receive majority (50% +1) petitions against the Local Improvement, sidewalk reconstruction will take place in all project areas over 2 years of construction within this area of the neighborhood.

Property owners on streets scheduled to see construction 2025-26 can expect to receive their notices in early 2025. That notice package will include information on how to participate in the decision. 

If you have questions regarding the Local Improvement process specifically, please contact

About the Project

Neighbourhood reconstruction rehabilitates residential roads, replaces street lights, sidewalks, curbs and gutters and adds missing sidewalk links where possible. Other opportunities to improve how people walk, bike, drive and gather in the neighbourhood and how they enjoy City-owned parks and open spaces are also explored.  

A series of public events were scheduled by the Project Team which gave residents the opportunity to build a Project Vision and Guiding Principles together and provide feedback on the different stages of the project, including design.

Cost sharing opportunities will be made available through the Local Improvement process for sidewalk reconstruction and decorative street light upgrades in the neighbourhood. Arterial roads and alleys are not included in the scope of work.