Project Update - March 2022
The 101 Avenue Streetscape is currently funded solely for concept design. Once funding is sourced for preliminary/detailed design and construction, further public input opportunities will be available prior to preparing for construction. There is currently no timeline for construction.
Thank you to those who participated in our Concept Plan presentation and to those who shared their feedback. The concept plan was created using your input from engagement events in spring and fall 2021. The What We Heard Report is available below.
Concept Plan
Concept Plan Presentation
What We Heard Report
About the Project
The 101 Avenue Streetscape aims to enhance the public space along the corridor, providing a vibrant area that is a destination for the surrounding communities. Creating accessible spaces in our neighbourhoods brings a sense of belonging that can inspire community well-being.
The 101 Avenue Corridor Study established a vision for the future of 101 Avenue, from 50 Street to 84 Street, identifying options for land use changes, street design and community programming and recommending specific actions to realize the area's potential. The vision and options created through the 101 Avenue Corridor Study have been identified and will be examined through the 101 Avenue Streetscape project. A concept plan was developed to establish a draft design that meets the communities needs, alongside technical requirements, City policies and programs and financial considerations.