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On Demand Transit buses provide service for select neighbourhoods, seniors’ residences and attractions across Edmonton.
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On Demand Transit buses provide service for select neighbourhoods, seniors’ residences and attractions across Edmonton.
Note: Vehicles operate between these hours only. Rides cannot be booked if they would arrive or depart outside of service hours.
Senior On Demand Transit Brochure (Self Print Version)
Starting December 1, a new On Demand Transit stop will be added in the Alces neighbourhood at 34 Street and Charlesworth Drive SW.
Aldergrove will no longer receive On Demand service due to Route 914 returning to regular routing.
On Demand Transit will be available on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Years Day. Holiday hours for neighbourhood service are 10am to 6pm, and for seniors residences 9am to 4pm.
Starting September, On Demand Transit service will be added to Rundle Park (Aquatic and Recreation Centre and Rundle Family Centre) and Enoch Cree First Nation (108 Apartments and River Cree Casino):
Growing ridership for On Demand Transit has resulted in longer wait times in some zones. To help bring down wait times, ETS will be adding 3 additional peak buses and one off peak bus.
Starting June 30, additional On Demand Transit hub options will be added to the Hays Ridge/Graydon Hill/Glenridding Ravine/Keswick and Northwest Police Campus and Goodridge Corners neighbourhoods.
In addition to Century Park and Leger, Heritage Valley Transit Centre will be another hub for riders in the areas of Hays Ridge, Keswick, Glenridding Ravine and Graydon Hill. These additions will help facilitate transfers to Route 727 and other high schools in the area.
In addition to Eaux Claires, Castle Downs Transit Centre will be a new hub for riders in the areas of Northwest Police Campus, Goodridge Corners, Albany, Rapperswill, Canossa, Elsinore and Chambery neighbourhoods. These additions better help connect Northwest Edmonton with additional conventional transit options.
On May 15, a temporary On Demand Transit zone will be added to the Aldergrove area due to construction in the area (189 Street & 87 Avenue). The following stops are being created to take riders to West Edmonton Mall:
On Demand Transit buses to Aldergrove will pick up at Stop 5840 - West Edmonton Mall Transit Centre Bay B.
If you want to plan a trip that includes a connection between On Demand Transit and the regular transit network, the third-party Transit app will provide options.
Note: you will still need the Edmonton On Demand Transit app to book the On Demand Transit portion of your trip.
On Demand Transit telephones are available at some transit centres and LRT stations to book a return trip.
Please note: When riders book a trip, they will be provided a couple of trip options. Once their request to book a trip is received, they can expect to wait up to 30 minutes to be picked up. They will also be given time to meet the shuttle at a designated location.
You do not pay a fare when you board an On Demand Transit vehicle. Instead, you pay a standard fare when you transfer between On Demand Transit and regular service at a transit hub.
Accounts will be reviewed based on:
When an account is under review we will first contact the rider to get a better understanding of the situation, provide trip planning tips as required, and issue a warning.
If the issue continues, Edmonton Transit may suspend the account.
If you can’t make a trip, make sure you cancel at least 20 minutes prior to boarding versus keeping the trip and not showing up. Consider booking your trip when you are close to the On Demand Transit pick up location.
Your compliments or concerns can be reported directly to the On Demand Transit contractor (PWTransit Canada) by contacting them through the app, or by phoning the call centre at 780-496-2400.
Every shuttle is assigned to pick up riders in a specific order. To maintain estimated arrival times, drivers will follow instructions provided to them by the On Demand Transit software.
Yes, provided that food and beverages are in containers designed for travel and under the control of the rider.