Occupational Health and Safety (A1117D)
This policy promotes and supports a safe and healthy workplace which, at a minimum, meets the requirements of Occupational Health and Safety regulations and other relevant legislation and agreements.
Procedure: Occupational Health and Safety
Photocopying and Printing (Reprographics) (A1404)
Places and Spaces, Booking (1474)
Procedure: Reserving City Facilities
Planning Referrals and Notifications with Regional Partners (A1475)
This administrative policy states the City's commitment to notify regional partners of land use planning and development applications, and refer these applications to them.
Procedure: Planning Referrals and Notifications with Regional Partners
Privacy (A1433)
This directive ensures that the City complies with the privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and commits itself to the protection of all recorded personal information about an identifiable individual.
Procedure: Privacy
Attachment I: Privacy Code
Attachment II: Web Privacy Code
Privacy Breach (A1445)
This directive establishes guidelines for the management of inadvertent disclosure of personal information by assisting employees in the reporting, investigating and documenting of privacy breaches and determining the severity of the privacy breach.
Procedure: Privacy Breach
Reporting Form: Privacy Breach Directive (A1445)
Procurement Policy(A1465)
The Procurement Policy (A1465) including associated procedures has been replaced by the new Procurement Standard .
Provision of Office and Special Purpose Accommodation for Civic Staff (A1407B)
This directive establishes procedures for assessment and provision of the physical space required for general purpose office accommodations and special purpose accommodations for the City.
Procedure: Provision of Office and Special Purpose Accommodation for Civic Staff
Attachment I:Corporate Space Guidelines
Attachment II : Accommodation Request and Implementation Process
Attachment III: Exceptions
Public Involvement (A1448)
This directive provides employees with guidelines for a consistent approach when there are City sponsored public involvement processes.
Procedure: Public Involvement
Purchasing Light-duty Vehicles (A1451)
This directive establishes standards and guidelines to ensure that all light-duty vehicles that the City purchases are required and maximize fuel efficiency and environmental sustainability while achieving the lowest possible life-cycle costs and demonstrating the City’s environmental leadership.
Procedure: Purchasing Light-duty Vehicles
Attachment I: Light-duty Vehicle Needs Analysis Checklist
Attachment II: Light-duty Vehicle Purchase Approval Form