Data and Information Management (A1477)

Donations to the City of Edmonton (A1440)
This directive provides guidance about what types of donations qualify as gifts to the City of Edmonton and when City employees should issue official receipts to donors for income tax purposes.
Procedure: Donations to the City of Edmonton

Duty to Accommodate Disabilities (A1126)
This directive establishes procedures for assessing the need to accommodate employees with disabilities within the workforce and to implement accommodation measures in conjunction with civic bargaining agents that accord with the Framework Agreement on the Duty to Accommodate entered into between the City and various unions representing City employees.
Procedure: Duty to Accommodate Disabilities
Schedule: Duty to Accommodate Framework Agreement


Employee Dress Code (A1113)

Employee Learning and Development (A1120A)

Energy Management (A1405)

Environmental Protection, Compliance and Reporting (A1427)


Financial Administration and Control Administration Directive (A1206)
This directive prescribes procedures to ensure there are efficient and effective tools, processes, practices and measures for financial administration and control.


Fraud and Whistleblower Protection Administrative Directive (A1464)
This directive prescribes procedures for the prevention, detection, reporting and investigation of suspected fraud, as well as the processes for reporting and resolving complaints of retaliation.
Procedures: Fraud Reporting and Investigation Procedure 
                       Whistleblower Protection Procedure