When someone deliberately dumps waste on public or private property without consent, they are dumping illegally. This practice is most common in out-of-the-way places like parks, back roads, open lots, alleys and the river valley.
Did You Know?
Large items placed beside a large dumpster WILL NOT be picked up by City of Edmonton Waste Services or by third party Waste Collection Companies.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Furniture
- BBQs
- Mattresses
- Area Rugs
These items become the responsibility of the property owner to dispose of, including any costs that occur.
All waste, including natural materials like dirt and yard waste, must be disposed of properly. Dumping even natural materials in parks and green spaces is illegal and can harm the environment.
Large, bulky waste can be dropped off at an Eco Station or the Edmonton Waste Management Centre for a fee.