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Edmonton has over 50 areas where your dog can run and play without having you on the other end of the leash. You too, can get physical and emotional benefits from exercise and by socializing with other dog owners.
Disclaimer: Use of City of Edmonton dog parks is at your own risk. Owners are legally responsible for the actions and behaviours of their dog(s) at all times. By entering a City of Edmonton dog park, the user agrees to hold the City of Edmonton harmless and free from liability from any actions of any dog park user(s) or their dog(s). Dog Park users agree to fully comply with all of the dog park rules as posted. The City of Edmonton assumes no liability or responsibility for any accidents, injuries or damages of any nature to dogs or people while using the dog park. The City of Edmonton is not responsible for lost dogs or property of any kind. Usage of any dog park constitutes acknowledgement of and agreement to this Disclaimer.