small dog off leash in grass

Explore Edmonton's off-leash areas in your neighbourhood and the river valley.

Edmonton has over 60 areas where your dog can run and play without having you on the other end of the leash. You too, can get physical and emotional benefits from exercise and by socializing with other dog owners.

Disclaimer: Use of City of Edmonton dog parks is at your own risk. Owners are legally responsible for the actions and behaviours of their dog(s) at all times. By entering a City of Edmonton dog park, the user agrees to hold the City of Edmonton harmless and free from liability from any actions of any dog park user(s) or their dog(s). Dog Park users agree to fully comply with all of the dog park rules as posted. The City of Edmonton assumes no liability or responsibility for any accidents, injuries or damages of any nature to dogs or people while using the dog park. The City of Edmonton is not responsible for lost dogs or property of any kind. Usage of any dog park constitutes acknowledgment of and agreement to this Disclaimer.

Dog rolling in grass

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Off-Leash Area Basics

Before You Go

  • License your dog.
  • For the safety of your dog and others, make sure your dog is up-to-date on their vaccinations and deworming.
  • Some dogs are not ready for the excitement of off-leash areas. Make sure you know when your dog is becoming uncomfortable, overwhelmed or overexcited.
  • Make sure you know the boundaries of the off-leash area. When entering or leaving off-leash area boundaries, all dogs must be on a leash.

At An Off-Leash Area

  • The behaviour of your dog is your responsibility. Keep your dog under control at all times.
  • Keep your dog in sight and be aware of other park users. All of Edmonton’s parks are shared-use.
  • Wildlife is present in all parks. Do not allow your dog to chase. If you see a coyote, please leash your dog.
  • Clean up after your dog.
  • The use of off-leash areas is permitted under the Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw (C13145) and Parkland Bylaw (2202). It is your responsibility to know and follow the regulations within these bylaws.

Restricted Dogs

A restricted dog is a dog that has been deemed restricted as a result of a conviction under the Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw for any of the sections pertaining to chases, attacks or bites. Restricted dogs must be leashed and muzzled any time they are outside the owner's property. 

Restricted dogs are not allowed in off-leash areas.

Off-Leash and Dog Park Projects

Find up-to-date information about dog off-leash areas, project updates and events in Edmonton.

Hillview Off-Leash Area

412 Woodvale Road NW

Project Status
In the Design and Planning Phase

The draft design shows improvements to the Hillview Off-Leash Area. Naturalized landscaping and fencing are proposed between a new shared pathway and the off-leash dog area to separate dogs from people walking, rolling and biking.

Ottewell Dog Park

7919 64 Street NW

Project Status
In the Construction Phase

The new fenced-off dog park will be located in Fulton Ravine Park's southwest corner. This construction is proposed to start in 2025. View the final design.

Warehouse Park Dog Park

10150 107 Street NW

Project Status
In the Construction Phase

Construction of Warehouse Park in the Downtown area began in the summer of 2024 and is expected to be complete in 2025, with the park and pavilion to be open by the end of 2025. The fenced dog park will be located in the northeast corner of the vibrant new Warehouse Park

Bearspaw Off-Leash Area

1004 109 Street NW

Project Status
From November 25, 2024-April 30, 2025, Epcor Drainage Services will be excavating and installing conduits within the southern portion of the Bearspaw Off-leash Area.

All restoration work will be complete by June 30, 2025. The work area will be fenced off but it is best to avoid this area during this time if possible.

Montrose Off-Leash Area

Southern berm along Yellowhead Trail between 58a Street and 66 Street NW

Project Status
From February 4-August 31 2025, Epcor will be conducting utility location work in the Montrose Off-Leash Area.

During this time, park users can expect that there may be HVAC trucks with hoses extended into the central portion of the Off-Leash Area. Residents should take extra care and may choose to avoid this area if their dog does not have strong recall.

Dunluce Orval Allen Park Off-Leash Area

16055 127 Street NW

Project Status
In the Design and Planning Phase

A new design is being proposed for the Off-leash Area at Orval Allen Park. Citizens can review the final design in the What We Decided report.

The Orchards Dog Park

1505 Plum Circle SW

Project Status
The Orchards Dog Park is now open and being operated by Brookfield Residential.

Hawrelak Trail Off-Leash Area

8310 Saskatchewan Drive NW

Project Status
Park renewal is still underway with landscaping work expected to continue through 2025.

Access to the Hawrelak Trail off-leash area will only be from Buena Vista Park footbridge from the west or from Saskatchewan Drive to the east. See project details.

Lauderdale Dog Park

127354 113A Street NW

Project Status
Dry pond construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2025. A portion of the Lauderdale Dog Park will be closed during this time, with construction being staged to keep a portion of the dog park open at all times.

Please reach out to the EPCOR public and community engagement team at 780-412-4200 or with questions or concerns.

Off-Leash Areas and Developers

Developers are important partners in helping to ensure access to off-leash areas by new communities. Off-leash areas in Paisley, Manning Village and The Orchards have been established by developers who recognized the need for these amenities within new neighbourhoods.

Information for Community Leagues to participate in the temporary dog park program.

The review will develop strategic direction and park management instructions to provide sustainable and safe off-leash opportunities.

Learn how to manage your pet waste in public spaces.

Find resources for pet owners, non-pet owners and those who want to learn more about urban wildlife.

Contact Us

Parks and River Valley Operations - General Information

Phone  In Edmonton: 311 | Outside Edmonton: 780-442-5311

Link  Contact 311 Online