Rossdale has been chosen for Neighbourhood Renewal. Planning and design is underway.

Exploring Opportunities - March 2025

During this stage, we commit to using your input in deciding on key elements to be explored in the development of the overall neighbourhood design to align with the Vision for your Neighbourhood Renewal.

It’s now time to Explore Opportunities for Rossdale Neighbourhood Renewal.

The project team wants to understand: 

  • What you like most about Rossdale
  • How you experience getting around: Walking, rolling, biking and driving
  • How people move in your neighbourhood
  • Where people access services and recreation
  • How people feel about safety, neighbourliness and sense of community
  • What is unique about your neighbourhood

We want to hear from you

To learn more and share your feedback: 

  • Project notification letter
  • Complete the online survey 
    • Available until Sunday, March 23 
  • Meet the project team 
    • Keep an eye out for our Project Team as members come knocking door-to-door
      • Evenings of March 10 to 14

We commit to using your community’s input in deciding on key elements to be explored in the development of the overall neighbourhood design to align with that Vision for your Neighbourhood Renewal project.

Sign up to receive news and updates on Rossdale Neighbourhood Renewal below.

About the Project

Neighbourhood reconstruction rehabilitates residential roads, replaces street lights, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, and adds missing sidewalk links, where possible. Other opportunities to improve how people walk, bike, drive and gather in the neighbourhood, and how they enjoy City-owned parks and open spaces are also explored.

At the beginning of the project, the Project Team will work with the community to create a project Vision and Guiding Principles. People who live, work and play in Rossdale will be asked for regular feedback on the different stages of the project.

Cost-sharing opportunities will be made available through the Local Improvement process for sidewalk reconstruction and decorative street light upgrades in the neighbourhood. Arterial roads and alleys are not included in the scope of work.  

Working together to make the most of your neighborhood

This is your city and your neighbourhood. We want to understand how you experience your neighbourhood and ask for your input on what we might do to make it better. We will engage and work with you on the renewal of roads, sidewalks, street lights and park spaces and promote other community opportunities to enhance how people live and interact in your neighbourhood. We commit to being open and transparent about how your input is used. Let’s make the most out of your neighbourhood.