Your new licensing fees will be displayed on your renewal notice that you receive by mail. Please note that the categories and fees displayed on your new renewal notice look different since January 17, 2022 when the new Business Licence Bylaw
takes effect.
Two-Year Licence Option Fee Discount
When you renew your business licence, you can now select either a 1-year term or a 2-year term, calculated from the expiry date of your current licence. A 2-year term comes with a small discount and means you will not have to renew your licence as often. Regardless of the term you select, after your licence has been renewed, full or partial refunds cannot be provided.
How are the fees determined?
The licence fee is based on the business categories that apply to your licence. Each business category is assigned a tier numbered 1 through 5. Your total licence fee is determined by the category on your licence with the highest tier. You do not have to pay a separate fee for each category.
What are the fees used for?
The fees collected are used to pay for the resources needed to administer the business licensing program. This includes the work required to guide businesses through the permitting and licensing process and help ensure that all businesses continue to follow the rules and are well-operated once they open. If there are any remaining funds, they can be directed into the City’s corporate general revenues and put towards programs that help support businesses such as Business-Friendly Support and Business Support Grants.