Vehicles for Hire in Edmonton transport passengers from one destination to another for a fee. These vehicles could include limousines, shuttles, taxis, rideshare companies, or other types of transportation services.


The Vehicle for Hire Bylaw 17400 allows the City of Edmonton to regulate transportation services to ensure:

  • Public safety and consumer protection
  • Accessible vehicle-for-hire services
  • Fair competition and open innovation

Highlights of Work Priorities for 2022 and 2023

Service Enhancements:

  • Develop a proposal for accessible vehicle industry and user subsidies
  • Develop options for centralized dispatch services
  • Look into benefits and costs of mandatory enhanced driver training

Relationship Building:

  • Update Vehicle for Hire stakeholder groups and develop strategies to increase their participation
  • Keep in touch with stakeholders

Enforcement Enhancements:

  • Using stakeholder feedback, look for ways to continuously improve enforcement
  • Address the issue of unlicensed service providers
  • Where possible, take immediate action to increase the safety and accessibility of vehicle for hire services

For a full list of activities planned in 2022 and 2023, read the Vehicle for Hire 2022 and 2023 Work Plan .

After presentation of the work plan, Council directed the City administration to engage with the Women's Advocacy Voice of Edmonton Committee (WAVE) and the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) and the vehicle for hire industry to review the 2022/2023 work plan and report back to committee.