76 Avenue between 75 Street and 99 Street has been chosen for renewal. Planning and design is currently underway.

Exploring Opportunities - June 2024

Thank you to everyone who engaged with the Project Team during the Exploring Opportunities stage of 76 Avenue Renewal. The online survey closed on March 3. The feedback gathered will help to inform the next stage of the project.

The public engagement activities and participation are now summarized in the  Engagement Summary

The feedback gathered, existing conditions, and City policies and standards are being reviewed. An update on next steps for the project will be provided in fall 2024.

76 Avenue Renewal Project scope map

Working together to make the most of your neighbourhood

This is your city and your neighbourhood. We want to understand how you experience your neighbourhood and ask for your input on what we might do to make it better. We will engage and work with you on the renewal of roads, sidewalks, street lights and park spaces and promote other community opportunities to enhance how people live and interact in your neighbourhood. We commit to being open and transparent about how your input is used. Let’s make the most out of your neighbourhood.