
C110 - City/Community Leagues Relations Policy

C167B - Recreation User Fee

C187A - Enhancing Community Facility Services Through Partnerships Policy


C200B - Financing of Local Improvements Policy

C203D - Debt Management Fiscal Policy

C209C- Parking Meter Permit

C212E - Investment Policy

C216C - Storefront Improvement Program Policy

C217E - Reserve and Equity Accounts Policy
Reference: ​ Reserve Register November 6, 2023


C307 - Parkland and North Saskatchewan River Valley Utility Installation Policy


C409K - Snow and Ice Control Policy
Procedure:  Snow and Ice Control​

C417A - Family and Community Support Services Program Policy

C419A - Civic Protocol Policy

C437A - City Land Assets for Non-Profit Affordable Housing

C448 - The City of Edmonton Archives Policy


C450B - Encourage the Designation and Rehabilitation of Municipal Historic Resources in Edmonton Policy

C451H - Edmonton Transit System Fare Policy

C453 - Street Cleaning – C. B. D. and Selected Strip Commercial Areas Policy

C454 - Creation and Transfer of School Sites to School Boards Policy

C456C - Corporate Tree Management Policy

         Procedure:  C456C - Corporate Tree Management Tree Reserve

C458D - Public Art to Enhance Edmonton's Public Realm

          Procedure:  C458D - Public Art to Enhance Edmonton's Public Realm Procedures

C459 - Statuary Policy

C462B - Business Improvement Area Establishment and Operation Policy

C468A - Policy to Govern the Use of Funds from the Sale of Surplus School Sites

C469B - Ward Boundary Design Policy

C471C - Policy for Siting Telecommunications Facilities

C477A - Facility Name Sale Policy

C482 - Legal Representation and Indemnification of City Employees, Agents and Members of Council Policy


C501A - Integrated Pest Management Policy

C502A - Community League Grants Policy

C504 - Volunteerism Policy

C505 - Edmonton's Environmental Management System Policy

C506A - Urban Traffic Noise Policy

C507 - Arterial Roads for Development Policy

C509C - Naming Municipal Assets

C511A - Land Development Policy

C512 - Environmental Policy

C515 - Oil and Gas Facilities Policy

C520C - Municipal Census Policy

C523A - Fire Rescue Service Delivery Policy

C524 - Benefit Plan Continuation After Term (Members Of Council) Policy

C529 - Immigration and Settlement Policy

C530 - Council Orientation and Training Policy

C531 - Natural Area Systems Policy

C533A - Revolving Industrial Servicing Fund

C534 - Outdoor Aquatics Policy

C535 - Process for Developed Properties that are Currently Unserviced to Connect to City Services Policy

C538 - Diversity and Inclusion Policy

C539A - Transit Service Standards Policy

C541 - Disaster Relief Monetary Donations Policy

C542 - Development Setbacks From River Valley/Ravine Crests Policy

C544 - Active Transportation Policy


C550 - Roadway Cleaning Policy

C551 - Residential Infill in Mature Neighbourhoods Policy

C553C - Development Incentive Program Policy

C554A - Park and Ride Policy

C555 - Private Public Partnerships (P3) Policy

​C556B - Sustainable Procurement Policy​

C558B - Waste Management Utility Fiscal Policy

C559 - Liquor Advertising on Edmonton Transit System Equipment and Property Policy

C561 - City Hall Public Space Use Policy

      Procedure:  C561A City Hall Public Space Use

C562 - Community Facility Partner Capital Grant Program Policy

C564 - Residential Neighbourhood Street Lighting Renewal Policy

C565 - Transit Oriented Development Policy

C567 - Green Building Policy

C569 - Optimization of the Transportation System Network Policy

C571 - Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment Support

C572 - Designing New Neighbourhoods

C573A - Complete Streets

C575E - Agencies, Boards, Committees and Commissions

         Procedure:  Agencies, Board, Committees and Commissions

C576 - Light Efficient Community Policy

C577 - Goods Movement

C578 - Multi-year Budgeting Policy

C579B - Traffic Safety and Automated Enforcement Reserve

C580A - Construction Hoarding

C581 - Open City Policy

C583A - Developing Surplus School Sites

C584 - Employee Child Care Policy

C586 - River Access Guiding Principles

C587A - Enterprise Risk Management
Procedure:  Enterprise Risk Management Procedure

C588 - Winter Design Policy

C591 - Capital Project Governance

C592A - Industrial Infrastructure Cost Sharing Program
Procedure:  Industrial Infrastructure Cost Sharing

C594 - Open Space Policy

C595A - Neighbourhood Renewal Program 

C596 - Records and Information Management for Elected Officials

C597A - Blatchford District Energy Utility Fiscal Policy (Blatchford Renewable Energy Policy)

C598 - Infrastructure Asset Management 

C599A - Community Amenity Contributions in Direct Control Provisions


C600 - Enterprise Performance Management Policy

C601 - Affordable Housing Investment Guidelines

C602- Accessibility for People with Disabilities

C603 - Events Policy

C604B - Edmonton Police Service Funding Formula

C605 - Edmonton Police Service Reserve

C606 - Access to Municipal Services Without Fear

C607A - Retroactive Municipal Tax Relief

C608A - Human Resources Management for Council Staff

C610 - Fiscal Policy for the Planning and Development Business

C612A - Living Wage for City of Edmonton Employees and Employees of Contracted Services
Procedure:  C612A - Living Wage for City of Edmonton Employees and Employees of Contracted Services

C614 - Turf Management Policy

C616 - Corner Store Program 

C617 - Fleet Replacement Reserve

C618B - Councillors’ Budget and Expenses Policy

C619 - Local Improvements - Surface

C620 - Supporting Vulnerable People During Extreme Weather Conditions

C623B Edmonton Economic Recovery Grant Policy
Procedure: Business Association Stream and City Stream Procedure
Procedure: Business Improvement Area Levy Rebate Stream Procedure
Procedure: Economic Action Plan Grant Stream Procedure

C624 Fiscal Policy For Revenue Generation

C625A 2021 Edmonton Economic Recovery Construction Grant Incentive Policy
Procedure: 2021 Edmonton Economic Recovery Construction Grant Incentive Policy

C626 2021 - 2025 City Council Compensation (Effective October 26, 2021

C627A Climate Resilience
Procedure: Climate Resilient Acquisition of City Buildings
Procedure: Climate Resilient City Building Leasing - City as Landlord
Procedure: Climate Resilient City Building Leasing - City as Tenant
Procedure: Climate Resilient City-Funded, Non-City Owned Buildings  
Procedure: Climate Resilient Design and Construction of City Buildings  
Procedure: Climate Resilient Existing City Buildings  

C628A Honoraria and Expenses for City Agencies
Procedure:  Honoraria and Expenses for City Agencies

C629 - Financial Stabilization Reserve