Project Overview

In spring 2023, the Vehicle for Hire Program launched a comprehensive review of Vehicle for Hire fees and fares contained in Bylaw 17400. The project goal is to create a modern, fair and equitable approach to fee and fare regulation for vehicles for hire in Edmonton, allowing for more responsiveness to market changes in the industry. Bylaw changes are expected to be brought before City Council in spring 2025.

Reasons For The Review

Vehicle for Hire fees and fares were last reviewed comprehensively in 2016. Paired with changing economic conditions, rising costs and concerns raised by the industry, the Vehicle for Hire team at the City of Edmonton initiated a review. 

Project Background

Vehicles for Hire in Edmonton transport passengers from one destination to another for a fee. These vehicles could include taxis, rideshare companies, limousines, shuttles or other types of private transportation providers.

In response to feedback received from the public and industry stakeholders, the City of Edmonton is advancing a Vehicle for Hire Fee and Fare review as a part of the 2022-2024 Vehicle for Hire work plan

The results of this work will be used for current and future fare adjustments to the Vehicle for Hire Bylaw 17400

Fares Review

Fares are the set taxi meter rates and minimum rates for pre-arranged trips that are charged by providers to customers, as stipulated in the Vehicle for Hire bylaw. Base taxi fares have remained unchanged since 2007.

Although City Council approved the addition of a temporary 13.29% fuel surcharge to taxi base fares in July 2022 in response to taxi industry feedback, it was recognized that a comprehensive fare review would still be required to allow more responsiveness to market changes.

Fees Review

Fees are the licensing fees charged to Vehicle for Hire service providers. Vehicle for Hire fees were last reviewed when the Vehicle for Hire Bylaw 17400 was enacted in 2016. Since then, there have been changes to the Vehicle for Hire industry with the entry of rideshare (such as Uber and Lyft) into the market, changes to market conditions and rising costs. Concerns have been raised about inequities across the Vehicle For Hire industry. 

Project Work to Date

  • March to June 2024: Research conducted. This included a review of the current bylaw and jurisdictional and best practice research.
  • May to June 2024: Phase one engagement sessions were conducted. This included focus groups and interviews with dispatchers, drivers and the public on their perspectives, challenges, barriers and impacts relating to Vehicle for Hire fees and fares. 
  • May to August 2024: The Vehicle for Hire fee and fare framework was drafted and a financial analysis was conducted on the various options being considered.

Upcoming Project Work

  • September 2024: Phase two engagement sessions will be conducted. Feedback will be collected from dispatchers, drivers and the public on the proposed fee and fare framework and options the City is considering.
  • September to October 2024: Phase two engagement will be used to balance perspectives and further refine the model and regulatory framework. 
  • November 2024 to January 2025: Phase three engagement will be conducted with the industry and public on final options that will be presented to Council.
  • February to March 2025: Final analysis and options will be drafted for Council.
  • Second quarter 2025: Report to Council. 

Project Questions

For any questions on this project, please contact the Vehicle for Hire team at