Project Update - Winter 2025
Poundmaker Snow Storage Site
The Poundmaker Snow Storage Site is closed for upgrades and is anticipated to reopen in fall 2026.
Please see the list of snow storage sites below for other storage locations during this closure.
Kennedale Snow Storage Site
The Kennedale Snow Storage Site (for City of Edmonton use only) has reopened following upgrades.
Project Overview
The City of Edmonton operates 5 snow storage sites. Four of these sites are open for public use. This project will upgrade these sites to improve environmental performance and site drainage as part of the City’s commitment to becoming a climate-resilient city.
Snow storage sites with clay storage surfaces see a high amount of sediment form in their snow storage ponds, resulting in increased operational costs and risk of contaminants being released into the environment.
The Snow Storage Sites Upgrades Project involves redesigning several snow storage sites to improve snow storage capacity and control snow melt. This work focuses on the snow pad surfaces, ditches and settling pond.
Through the project, sites with clay snow storage surfaces will be replaced with asphalt. In addition, telecommunications equipment will be installed to allow for monitoring of storage site usage and to support the possibility of having future usage fees and tipping.
Electrical upgrades will be made to support permanent site lighting, drainage system and pumps, future video monitoring and site access control systems.
The Snow Storage Sites Upgrades Project:
- Improves the environmental sustainability of these sites
- Improves the operational efficiency, responsiveness and management of these sites
- Improves the quality of water released from these sites
- Increases snow storage capacity
- Improves customer service by providing more reliable and safer access to the sites
- Improves site and user monitoring