If you currently have an existing account and a physical copy of a household permit, there is no need to complete this form. You can continue to display your expired permit even if it was issued in 2023. Enforcement will not ticket vehicles displaying expired permits.

Submit this form if you have lost, discarded, misplaced or damaged your physical permit to request a replacement. If you need assistance, please contact 311.

Please allow for 10 days for your permit to be delivered.

Please fill out any of the vehicle info below that is changing:

Personal information is collected for the administration of issuing parking permits for Traffic Operations’ Residential Parking Program. The Traffic Operations team will be using this information to replace parking permits and/or update account information to issue parking permits in our Residential Parking Program areas. Collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is managed and protected in accordance with the Act. Questions about the collection, please contact Service Support, Edmonton Service Centre, 2nd floor, 10111 104 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 0J4, 780-442-5054, or email restrictedparkingpermits@edmonton.ca.