Property owners in Alberta are required to pay property taxes, however, some may qualify for a property tax exemption or tax relief.

Do I Qualify for an Exemption?

Property tax exemptions can only be given for properties that meet certain criteria in provincial legislation. 

Properties that may qualify for a property tax exemption include properties held by*:

  • A non-profit organization that serves a charitable and benevolent purpose for the general public
  • A religious body used for divine service, public worship or religious education
  • Registered or accredited schools, colleges and universities
  • Hospitals and other facilities held by a health region
  • Community associations or resident association

*Properties are considered to be held by an organization when the organization occupying the property owns it or holds it under a lease, sublease, license or permit.  

Properties generally do not qualify for an exemption if:

  • They are held by a for-profit organization
  • The use of the property is restricted
  • They hold a liquor license

Apply for an Exemption

Apply for Property Tax Exemption*

* Include all supporting documents such as proof of non-profit status and registration documents.

You may be contacted for further information if needed. When the review is complete, you will receive a notification of the status of your application.


    Certain exemptions may require a periodic reapplication to maintain tax-exempt status. We will inform you of any reapplication requirements. 

    Property Tax Relief

    If your property does not qualify for an exemption, you may meet the criteria for one of these programs:

    Council Policy C607A: Retroactive Municipal Tax Relief

    Directs City Administration to cancel, reduce or refund taxes as a result of errors in the assessment process, destruction of a building, or late payment as a result of death or illness in certain circumstances. It also provides rebates for some otherwise exempt properties under construction or renovation. While it is intended to guide City Council in the use of its broad authority to cancel, reduce, refund or defer taxes, Council is not bound by the policy.  

    Legislation and Administration of Property Tax Exemptions and Relief

    While the Government of Alberta legislates most property tax exemptions, they are administered by the local municipality.

    The rules regarding property tax exemptions are set out in the:

    Coverpage - Property Tax Exemption and Relief Discussion Paper

    Read Property Tax Exemption and Relief Discussion Paper

    Context for the City policies relevant to the granting of property tax exemptions
    or relief in Edmonton.