Project update: August 2023
What We Heard Report
for Phase 2 public engagement, naturalization and boulevard and open space tree planting is now available. This public engagement was carried out in May.
During this stage of this project, the City sought to understand how Edmontonians use open or public spaces, any areas where naturalization or boulevard and open space tree planting would conflict with public interest or existing usage and activities and how they would like to be communicated with when naturalization or boulevard and open space tree planting is happening in their neighbourhoods.
The City will reach the goal of planting two million new trees primarily through naturalization and boulevard and open space tree planting.
To guide this work, the City is developing two tools:
- The Naturalization, Restoration and Reclamation Plan (NRRP)
- The Green Infrastructure Expansion Mapping (GIEM) model
The Feedback gathered during this public engagement phase is currently being reviewed by the City Project Team and potential revisions to the NRRP and GIEM model will be considered based on what was heard during the public engagement process. Specific site level feedback will be considered for future operational planning purposes. Feedback gathered from both phases of public engagement will help improve the City’s regular communications and education work around naturalization and tree planting.
Visit Naturalization and Tree Planting for public engagement and project updates.
Project Overview
Greener As We Grow - one of The City Plan's Big City Moves - outlines a commitment to protection and conservation of our urban forest while driving climate resilience by planting 2 million new trees as the population grows. This target is part of a larger goal outlined in the Urban Forest Asset Management Plan to reach 20 per cent forest canopy coverage in Edmonton by 2071.
Reaching the goal of planting 2 million new trees will involve naturalization, reclaiming and restoring land and locating viable sites for planting boulevard and open space trees. The City is developing 2 planning tools to support this work.
Naturalization, natural areas and boulevard and open space trees are all important parts of Edmonton’s urban forest