Explanation of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) redactions on the Project Agreement.
Third party confidential information (s. 16).
Information provided in TransEd's Proposal (Technical or Financial) which:
- Is a trade secret or commercial, financial, labour relations, scientific or technical information of a third party.
- Was provided to the City in confidence.
- Whose release would either:
- harm competitive or negotiating position of the third party,
- result in refusal of similar third parties to provide this information in the future,
- result in undue financial loss or gain to anyone, or
- reveal labour relations dispute information.
Personal information (s. 17).
Generally, names and personally identifiable information have been redacted to protect personal privacy.
Public safety (s. 18).
Information which could reasonably be expected to interfere with public safety. In particular, information about surveillance or security systems and specific requirements for access and egress for public facilities may fall under this category (unless it is a reference to compliance with codes or standards).
Harmful to law enforcement (s. 20).
Information that could harm the effectiveness of investigative techniques or procedures.
Advice from officials (s. 24).
This section only applies to information which reveals the City’s plans or positions as it relates to parties other than TransEd which could interfere in the City’s future negotiations with those other parties.
City’s economic interests (s. 25).
Information in the project agreement which could affect the City’s economic interests if released:
information that:
- City’s trade secret
- City financial, commercial, scientific or technical information that has monetary value (information that could be sold by the City instead of provided to the public for free)
- Information which reasonably could be expected to
- Result in financial loss to the City
- Prejudice the City’s competitive position; or
- Interfere in the City’s negotiations.