LRT Network Map
Edmonton is changing, and our transportation needs are growing. LRT is a key part of Edmonton’s mass transit network as outlined in The City Plan and a solution to move people quickly and efficiently along transportation corridors.
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Edmonton is changing, and our transportation needs are growing. LRT is a key part of Edmonton’s mass transit network as outlined in The City Plan and a solution to move people quickly and efficiently along transportation corridors.
Hear from retiree Mark on how the LRT expansion is taking our city to new places.
“In my situation, if I’m going downtown, I might as well take the LRT. It’s faster and it’s less expensive [than driving]. And the further west the LRT expands, the quicker it’ll be for me to get downtown and all around the city.”
Hear from Ian on how the LRT expansion is taking our city to new places.
“I’ve heard that the LRT is expanding to the 4 major hospitals in Edmonton, and being that I’m interested in a healthcare career, the LRT could really help me get to work.”
Hear from the Jones family on how the LRT expansion is taking our city new places.
“As the LRT expands, it’s going to provide us with new places to go and different ways to get there.”
Building a new LRT line is a significant infrastructure project that can take several years of planning, engineering and public engagement before construction can begin. Learn more about the LRT Network Plan, project lifecycle and design when building an LRT.
January 20, 2024
Phase 1 of the Metro Line Northwest is a 1.6-kilometre extension. The extension includes two LRT stations: NAIT/Blatchford Market Station and Blatchford Gate Station.
Blatchford Gate Station will not open for service until the criteria for the City’s Transit Service Standards (Policy C539A ) is met.
November 4, 2023
Valley Line Southeast is a 13-kilometre low-floor LRT system from downtown to Mill Woods. Valley Line Southeast connects to the Capital Line and Metro Line at the Churchill stop in downtown.
September 6, 2015
With the opening of the Metro line it expanded the LRT Network 3.3 km from Churchill LRT Station in downtown Edmonton northwest to NAIT.
2010 to 2009
With the opening of three more stations it expanded the line to 21 km.
1962 to 2006
Read more on ETS History.
General project inquiries
780-496-4874 (voicemail) or 311 |