1. Indigenous involvement in the implementation of River Crossing is foundational to the area's future
Informed by engagement with the City’s Memoranda partners and rights holders, the City has developed the River Crossing Indigenous Involvement Approach. The overarching aim of the approach is to remove barriers, create opportunities for inclusion and enable continued growth and learning; this approach guides how the City works with Indigenous partners and rights holders as River Crossing is implemented.
Inclusion of Indigenous peoples in every aspect of River Crossing is a priority for the City, which requires a holistic approach that drives adjustments over time. This is reflected in key actions aligned with identified areas of focus including Project Engagement, Communications and Information Sharing, Economic Reconciliation and Ownership, Historic Reviews and Monitoring, and Operations.
The historic context of this land is a key component of the vision for River Crossing. Building off the River Crossing Heritage Interpretive Plan which guides sharing stories of the area’s complex and layered past, the River Crossing Business Plan defines a path forward that respects the historical significance and creates opportunities to reflect the area’s history into the future.
2. River Crossing Park
A key element of the River Crossing initiative is the creation of a new park that honours and celebrates the long and layered history of the area. The concept design phase for a new river valley park between Rossdale Road and 96 Avenue is funded and will begin in 2025.
It is intended to be a place for cultural celebration, connections and understanding, and where visitors can share stories and learn about the people and cultures connected to River Crossing. It will be co-designed with Indigenous communities to ensure the park reflects their stories and is welcoming to all.