About the Project
The business plan is a key step toward advancing the River Crossing vision, which is to transform West Rossdale into a vibrant community and a special place for Edmontonians and visitors alike.
The project took place between 2017 and 2019. Planners prepared redevelopment concept options. Then, through technical analysis and consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, they arrived at a revised, preferred development concept that includes reuse of the Rossdale Power Plant. City Council approved the overall parameters of the River Crossing Business Plan on September 10, 2019.
The business plan outlines the project's background, key considerations, and objectives and outcomes to be achieved as the River Crossing area redevelops over time. It explains the development concept and the infrastructure upgrades required to make it happen. Financial analysis (estimated costs and revenues) and implementation steps complete the business plan report.
River Crossing has tremendous city-building potential for Edmonton. It has deep historical and cultural significance. There are great synergies between the Rossdale Power Plant, the planned Touch The Water Promenade and interpretive park, and other nearby attractions and amenities. With consistent effort and partnerships as outlined in the River Crossing Business Plan, the area will become an important new destination at the heart of the city.