Community amenity contributions are public benefits or amenities provided by private developers through certain forms of redevelopment. They include things like park and sidewalk upgrades, new park space, public art, family-oriented housing and heritage preservation.

These contributions are required when rezoning land to a direct control zone (Direct Control Zone) in order to construct a building larger than what is permitted under the existing zoning. They help offset the impacts of growth and encourage high-quality development that contributes to the community in which it is located.

The rules for these contributions are set out in policy C599 - Community Amenity Contributions in Direct Control Provisions, which was approved by City Council on Tuesday July 10, 2018, and updated on December 7, 2020. This policy establishes how much must be contributed, the types of development that must have contributions, and what is considered an amenity.

The Guidebook for Community Amenity Contributions explains how the policy works in plain language.