Visual Identity Standards: Foundational Elements
This document is a designer manual, specifically intended to support graphic designers and creative professionals in expressing the City’s brand consistently, creatively and effectively.
Main page content begins here
The digital style guide defines the visual identity for edmonton.ca. From use of the colours and fonts, to the style of photography, you'll find guidelines for all the visual basics here.
Edmonton.ca and any of its associated sites are required to meet the Accessibility standards set by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Sites that are part of the City of Edmonton should:
Learn more about the City of Edmonton logo, colours, photography and symbols in our Visual Identity Standards.
This document is a designer manual, specifically intended to support graphic designers and creative professionals in expressing the City’s brand consistently, creatively and effectively.
Compliance to the Visual Identity Standards is mandatory for all staff and materials that do not comply are prohibited.
The City's VisuaI Identity Standards are under the authority of the Communications Administrative Policy, which applies to all employees, as well as to contractors and consultants working on behalf of the City. Please note the square logo is the City's primary visual identifier. The creation of any other logos to identify, represent, advertise or promote a department, branch, program or other City entity is prohibited.
The responsive edmonton.ca site uses an alternate treatment of the city logo.
Because the site templates have the ability to be themed, the logo background colour should be flexible and appear in unity with the theme colours. In order to maintain flexibility, the gradient in the standard background of the Edmonton logo has been removed and an interchangeable, solid background colour has been kept.
The squared logo is present above the minimum browser width of 1024px. The maximum width and height of the square is set to be 147px. The default colour of the background is set to be #005087 blue on standard, un-themed pages.
The wordmark is for smaller screens when you have a constrained height.
The Edmonton colour palette includes primary and secondary colours. The primary colours are used for reproduction of the corporate signature. Secondary colours are used in the expression of the Edmonton brand.
There are three main variants of blue used by the City:
City Blue
Dark Blue
Medium Blue
Use these colours optionally on buttons and other interactive elements.
Colours for text, line, and background elements
Dark Shade
Medium Shade
Light Shade
The photographic direction for both the City of Edmonton's digital and print collateral should fit in the following criteria.
All photos of people should capture them in a manner that show connection in a natural environment. This may be a connection with a physical object, other people or an environment. The interaction should begin to tell the story, which will increase the value of the message.
All photos of the City’s natural environment should capture the beauty in a way that emphasizes a unique landmark, region or feature. This reminds the viewer how amazing the City can be and encourages personal connection. Unique angles, cropping and depth of field help to create emotion and inspire connection.
These photos should tell a story of past or future while aligning it to community connection. Use a shallow depth of field to add interest to the composition and highlight your subject.
The City captures and collects photography relative to its services, events and business. Please contact brandteam@edmonton.ca prior to organizing a shoot or purchasing photos.
Please note the City of Edmonton must obtain proper licence or include appropriate attribution for all image and video assets.
Users may be limited by their internet speed so reducing image file size is important to ensure a fast and enjoyable experience on the web.
On edmonton.ca, we aim for the language to be:
We defer to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary and Canadian Press Stylebook, recognizing there are some exceptions applicable to the web.
We know that most people who use our site are on mobile and they are here to do something. Visitors generally want to find information, register/pay for something or report a concern. This is top of mind in the design of our pages.
Font style and weight selection has been filtered for the web.
Because each custom web-font variant and weight may be loaded individually by the browser, only a few specific font variants have been selected from the city's corporate type standards.
Please contact brandteam@edmonton.ca for more information around font licenses for print, desktop, web and apps.
Open Sans is used for paragraphs and lists.
Use uppercase text sparingly for titles as an optional stylistic treatment.
Generally, title case is more official while sentence case is more casual. For the City's online presence, the preference is to use title case over sentence case.
Regardless of which case is used, that style must be applied consistently throughout each section, and using either a bigger font-size than the paragraph text, or in bold to preserve typographical hierarchy.
Prelo - Bold, Book
Open Sans - Bold, Regular, Light
Base font size should be set to 16px on screen. Scaling fonts should be done using em sizing. Please keep line lengths to an average of 10-17 words per line. Longer line lengths will make paragraphs more difficult to read, as would very short line lengths.
If you have questions about the proper application of the standards, contact the Brand Team.
brandteam@edmonton.ca |