Indigenous Relations Framework
Learn about the work the City has done to develop a community framework with the urban Indigenous community.
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The City of Edmonton, through the work and support of the Indigenous Relations Office, is on a continuous journey of building good relations with Indigenous Peoples. In the spirit and intent of the Edmonton Urban Aboriginal Accord, the Indigenous Relations Office develops, promotes and supports Indigenous relations in the city and engages participation in the City's workforce.
Learn about the work the City has done to develop a community framework with the urban Indigenous community.
Navigate the diverse and friendly Indigenous Edmonton community.
View the principle-based relationship agreement between the City of Edmonton and the Aboriginal communities.
Event | Date |
Red Dress Day | May 5 |
Moose Hide Campaign | May (Date varies by year) |
Okîsikow (Angel) Way Day | June 14 |
Treaty No. 6 Recognition Day | August 23 |
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | September 30 |
Sisters in Spirit Day | October 4 |
Métis Week | November 16 |
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This is the current land acknowledgment being used by the City of Edmonton.
The City of Edmonton acknowledges the traditional land on which we reside, is in Treaty Six Territory. We would like to thank the diverse Indigenous Peoples whose ancestors’ footsteps have marked this territory for centuries, such as nêhiyaw (Nay-hee-yow) / Cree, Dene (Deh-neyh), Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-in-ah-bay) / Saulteaux (So-toe), Nakota Isga (Na-koh-tah ee-ska) / Nakota Sioux (Na-koh-tah sue), and Niitsitapi (Nit-si-tahp-ee) / Blackfoot peoples. We also acknowledge this as the Métis’ (May-tee) homeland and the home of one of the largest communities of Inuit south of the 60th parallel. It is a welcoming place for all peoples who come from around the world to share Edmonton as a home. Together we call upon all of our collective, honoured traditions and spirits to work in building a great city for today and future generations.
The City of Edmonton acknowledges the traditional land on which we reside, is in Treaty Six Territory. We would like to thank the diverse Indigenous Peoples whose ancestors’ footsteps have marked this territory for centuries, such as nêhiyaw (Nay-hee-yow), Dene (Deh-neyh), Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-in-ah-bay), Nakota Isga (Na-koh-tah ee-ska), and Niitsitapi (Nit-si-tahp-ee) peoples. We also acknowledge this as the Métis’ (May-tea) homeland and the home of one of the largest communities of Inuit south of the 60th parallel. It is a welcoming place for all peoples who come from around the world to share Edmonton as a home. Together we call upon all of our collective, honoured traditions and spirits to work in building a great city for today and future generations.
Nehiyaw (NAY-HEE-YOW)
Anishinaabe (AH-NISH-IN-AH-BAY)
Saulteaux (SO-TOE)
Nakota Isga (NA-KOH-TAH EE-SKA)
Nakota Sioux (NA-KOH-TAH SUE)
Niitsitapi (NIT-SI-TAHP-EE)
Métis (MAY-TEA)
Community Services
18th Floor, Edmonton Tower
10111 104 Avenue NW
P.O. Box 2359
Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7 | |
Phone | 780-944-7602 |
Fax | 780-577-3525 |