Canada Permanent Building - Bylaw 20038
Car parking on street - Traffic Bylaw 5590
2024 Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Rate and Supplementary Levy RateBylaw 20709
Capital City Downtown Plan Bylaw 15200
Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Bylaw 16521
2023 Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Rate and Supplementary Levy Rate Bylaw 20446
(2015) Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Rate and Supplementary Levy Rate Bylaw 17170
(2016) Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Rate and Supplementary Levy Rate Bylaw 17535
(2018) Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Rate and Supplementary Levy Rate Bylaw 18315
Chinatown and Area Business Improvement Area Bylaw 12370
City Administration Bylaw 16620
Also see City Manager.
City Assessor Bylaw 12046
Also see Municipal Tax Relief Delegation Charter Bylaw 18652
City Auditor Bylaw 12424
Also see City Auditor.
City Centre Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw 16033
City Plan, Adoption of Edmonton Bylaw 20000 (38MB)
City of Edmonton Ward Boundaries and Council Composition Bylaw 15142
City Streets Access Bylaw 13521
City Streets Development Control Bylaw 12513
Clean Energy Improvement Pilot Program Tax Bylaw 19144
Clean Energy Improvement Program Tax Bylaw 20678
Combative Sports Bylaw 15594
Also see Edmonton Combative Sports Commission Bylaw 15638.
Commonwealth Stadium Seat Replacement Surcharge Bylaw 15905
Community Safety and Well-Being Task Force Bylaw 19407
Community Services Advisory Board Bylaw 20672
Also see Community Services Advisory Board.
Community Standards Bylaw 14600
Also see Residential Bylaw Complaints.
Community Standards and Licence Appeal Committee Bylaw 19003
Conduct of Transit Passengers Bylaw 8353
Corporate Records Management see City Administration Bylaw above.
Council Code of Conduct Bylaw 18483
Council Committees Bylaw 18156
Council Committee Code of Conduct Bylaw 19870
Council Procedures Bylaw Bylaw 18155
Crossroads Business Improvement Area Bylaw 10919
Curfew - There is no curfew bylaw for the City of Edmonton. The Municipal Government Act allows cities to impose or draw up curfew bylaws if necessary.