The City of Edmonton is updating the Bike Route Wayfinding to help people identify how they can effectively and intuitively navigate the city’s bike network.

About The Project

Creating consistent styles of wayfinding signs for active travelling is an important part of improving the way visitors and citizens enjoy the city and find their way to important destinations. The City of Edmonton is committed to the creation of a city that is bike-friendly, more walkable and has accessible transit.

The new bike route wayfinding will coordinate with the River Valley Wayfinding Signage and the Pedestrian Wayfinding Standard, and will improve wayfinding for all users of the active mobility network.

The current bike route wayfinding signs indicate that there is a bike route, but doesn’t indicate to the user where the route will take them or how far they have to go. Feedback from Edmontonians through The Bike Plan public engagement process told us very clearly that people want better wayfinding.

The Bike Plan  guides the planning and design of Edmonton’s bike network and programs and suggests ways to create better wayfinding:

  • Develop and implement a bike wayfinding system, similar to other City wayfinding systems, that includes bikeway network signage with information on destinations, distances or travel times, and route orientation
  • Remove existing bike wayfinding elements that are not consistent with the system (such as removing old bike route signs)

Wayfinding Designs

Concept Images

The sign family design was developed to look like other wayfinding signs currently used by the City of Edmonton. The on-street bike routes can be identified by the green tab or strip.  The off-street bike routes (such as shared pathways) have a red tab or strip. The sign family includes:

  • Fingerboards for major junctions with multiple choice points
  • Decision signs that indicate bends or jogs in a bike route
  • Sign blades/tabs/overhead signs to reinforce to cyclists and drivers that they are on a bike route

Destination-Decision Fingerboards are placed at major junctions with multiple choices (usually district connector routes), to help guide the user to destinations in each direction. 

Bike wayfinding sign with distance, direction and destination indicators

Decision signs are used to highlight bends or jogs in the bike route, and in some cases will also indicate where the route is leading to.

Bike way finding decision sign with turn indication

Decision-Direction signs are used where there are only a few destination options or a fingerboard may not function well due to space or visibility.

Bike wayfinding sign with direction and destination indicators

Confirmation Streetblades are used on bike routes to provide confirmation and awareness to all users that there is a bike route.

Bike wayfinding sign indicating a street crossing

Bike-only Streetblades are used on pathways in their own right-of-way (such as a shared pathway that runs adjacent to an LRT line or in an old railway corridor) to identify the name of the street that the path crosses.

Bike wayfinding sign indicating a street crossing

The Confirmation Route Marker is used to show key intersections and distances on long linear routes.

Bike wayfinding sign indicating intersections and distances on a long route


Map-based Decision Signs are used at complex locations where other wayfinding is insufficient to guide users.

Bike wayfinding sign for a location with many options



Timeline and Next Steps

An initial trial of the new bike route wayfinding signs was installed in the Strathcona neighbourhood in the spring/summer of 2022. Based on feedback from the Strathcona trial, small adjustments were made, and the final Active Transportation Network Wayfinding Design Guide for contractors and City staff was finalized.  

Future rollout of the system will occur in late 2023 and 2024, starting with the installation of updated signs along major routes. The new wayfinding will also be added to current and future Neighbourhood Renewal projects as well as other City projects that include active transportation routes.