What is Boyle Renaissance?

Boyle Renaissance is located within The Quarters Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Plan area. The Boyle Renaissance development has helped to establish a community that brings together a range of affordable and market housing opportunities.

This City-led redevelopment is located between 95 Street and 96 Street, extending from 103A Avenue north to the LRT tracks.

Boyle Renaissance meets the housing, social, recreation and service needs of current residents and welcomes new neighbours to the community. Accredited childcare, cultural opportunities, park space, and social space are located within a two-and-a-half block area.

Phase 3 - In Progress

Public engagement on the Phase 3 Master Plan wrapped up May 2019. Details on engagement events and feedback received can be found in the What We Heard report (10MB). Thank you for dedicating time and energy to inform the updated Master Plan

Nearby Projects

If you’re interested in this project, you may be interested in these nearby projects: Iron Works, Boyle Street and McCauley Renewal.