Community safety is central to the quality of life for residents of any city. Everyone should feel secure and confident to walk down city streets, ride public transit or visit and explore any community in Edmonton.

In an effort to build a stronger, safer and more inclusive Edmonton, the City has developed  Edmonton’s Downtown Core and Transit System Safety Plan

This Plan summarizes the many ways the City has responded—and will continue to respond—to ensure the health and safety of Edmontonians. The Plan involves tangible action on several components of community safety including:

  • Increased police presence
  • Increased peace officers
  • Amended conduct of transit passengers bylaw
  • Increased response to encampments and problem properties
  • Funded business security
  • Funded community recovery
  • Installed temporary public washrooms
  • Completed safety audits
  • Increased cleaning in parks, roads and alleys
  • Funded opioid prevention and response
  • Increased communications and co-ordination with businesses and social

Putting this plan into action requires intentional partnerships, coordinated efforts of the City of Edmonton, other orders of government, agencies, industry, downtown employers, land owners and Edmontonians.

Related Initiatives and Strategies

The Downtown Core and Transit System Safety Plan was shaped by the following initiatives:

  1. Bylaw 8353 Conduct of Transit Passengers
  2. Amendment to Conduct of Transit Passengers Bylaw
  3. Downtown Vibrancy Strategy
  4. The Chinatown Strategy: Energizing a Prosperous Future (10.55 MB)
  5. Chinatown Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Recommendations
  6. Transit Safety and Security Plan
  7. Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy
  8. Resource Analysis
  9. Edmonton’s Needs for Housing
  10. Advocacy Submissions and Meetings with Other Orders of Government
  11. Minimum Emergency Shelter Standards