Starting January 2, 2025, Edmontonians can submit nomination packages to become official candidates and ensure their name appears on the ballot in the 2025 Edmonton Election.

Key Dates

  • Nomination Period: January 2 to noon, September 22, 2025 (Nomination Day)
  • Election Day: October 20, 2025

To appear on the ballot, candidates must complete the following steps within the Nomination Period:

1: Confirm Eligibility

To be eligible, prospective candidates must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age on Nomination Day
  • Be a resident of Edmonton for the 6 consecutive months before Nomination Day
  • Be a Canadian citizen
  • Not be disqualified under the Local Authorities Election Act (sections 21-24) or Education Act (Sections 4(4) and 74)

2: Complete All Nomination Forms


Form 4: Nomination Paper and Acceptance Form

Each office has a distinct form that must be used and each requires a different number of signatures from eligible voters:

  • Mayor - 100 signatures needed

Once completed, Form 4 must be signed by a Commissioner for Oaths. If candidates submit their nomination package in person, Edmonton Elections can provide this service free of charge.

Form 5: Candidate Financial Information

Candidates must inform Edmonton Elections of any changes to the information provided in the Candidate Financial Information form within 48 hours. Visit Campaign Financing to learn more about financing requirements.

Candidate Contact Information Form (optional)

City Councillor

Form 4: Nomination Paper and Acceptance Form

Each office has a distinct form that must be used and each requires a different number of signatures from eligible voters:

  • City Councillor - 25 signatures needed

Once completed, Form 4 must be signed by a Commissioner for Oaths. If candidates submit their nomination package in person, Edmonton Elections can provide this service free of charge.

Form 5: Candidate Financial Information

Candidates must inform Edmonton Elections of any changes to the information provided in the Candidate Financial Information form within 48 hours. Visit Campaign Financing to learn more about financing requirements.

Candidate Contact Information Form (optional)

Edmonton Public Schools

Form 4: Nomination Paper and Acceptance Form

Each office has a distinct form that must be used and each requires a different number of signatures from eligible voters:

  • Edmonton Public School Board Trustee - 25 signatures needed

Once completed, Form 4 must be signed by a Commissioner for Oaths. If candidates submit their nomination package in person, Edmonton Elections can provide this service free of charge.

Form 5: Candidate Financial Information

Candidates must inform Edmonton Elections of any changes to the information provided in the Candidate Financial Information form within 48 hours. Visit Campaign Financing to learn more about financing requirements.

Candidate Contact Information Form (optional)

For reference:

EPSB Bulletin for Trustee Candidates
EPSB Electioneering Q&A for Trustee Candidates

Edmonton Catholic School Division

Form 4: Nomination Paper and Acceptance Form

Each office has a distinct form that must be used and each requires a different number of signatures from eligible voters:

  • Edmonton Catholic School Division Trustee - 25 signatures needed

Once completed, Form 4 must be signed by a Commissioner for Oaths. If candidates submit their nomination package in person, Edmonton Elections can provide this service free of charge.

Form 5: Candidate Financial Information

Candidates must inform Edmonton Elections of any changes to the information provided in the Candidate Financial Information form within 48 hours. Visit Campaign Financing to learn more about financing requirements.

Candidate Contact Information Form (optional)

Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening 
Edmonton Catholic School Division requires trustee candidates to submit a Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening from the Edmonton Police Service as part of their nomination package. The check must be completed no later than 45 days before submitting your nomination package. 

3: Prepare the Deposit

Deposits must be made when submitting the nomination package. The deposit amounts are different for each office:

City Councillors$100
Edmonton Public School Board Trustees$100
Edmonton Catholic School Division Trustees$100

4: Submit the Nomination Package

Prospective candidates can submit their packages and pay their deposits in person or by mail or courier. All forms must be fully completed before mailing them to Edmonton Elections. Forms that are incomplete or contain errors may be returned.


Book an appointment to meet with Edmonton Elections to file a nomination package and pay the deposit.

Appointments are conducted at:

Edmonton Elections Office
16304 114 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5M 3R8

City Hall (twice per month)
1 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7

Deposits can be paid in cash, credit, debit, e-transfer, certified cheque or money order made payable to the City of Edmonton.

Courier or Mail

Send completed forms and deposit to:

Edmonton Elections
16304 114 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5M 3R8

Courier packages are received on weekdays from 9am-3pm.

Deposits can only be paid via e-transfer, certified cheque or money order made payable to The City of Edmonton. Do not send cash, or debit and credit card information in the mail.

5: Receive Confirmation from Edmonton Elections

Edmonton Elections will email confirmation within:

  • Up to 2 business days for in-person submissions
  • Up to 5 business days for mail or courier submissions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to live in the ward or school board district that I want to run in?

No, but you must be a resident of Edmonton for the 6 consecutive months prior to Nomination Day (September 22, 2025) and be a resident of Edmonton on Election Day (October 20, 2025).

Can I submit digital or electronic signatures in my nomination package?

No. All signatures must be original, inked signatures.

Will my deposit be refunded after the election?

Deposits are returned to candidates who are elected and to candidates who receive a number of votes that is equivalent to at least 50% of the votes cast for the elected candidate.

Can someone else submit the Nomination Paper on my behalf?

Yes. However, the Nomination Paper must be fully completed. No changes can be made to add information or correct errors unless the candidate is present.

Can I withdraw my Nomination after it’s been accepted by the Returning Officer?

Yes. A candidate can withdraw their nomination before noon on Nomination Day (September 22, 2025) as long as other candidates remain on the ballot. Contact Edmonton Elections for more information. All candidates, including those who withdraw, must submit a Campaign Disclosure Statement.

I filed a Notice of Intent, do I still need to complete a nomination package?

A Notice of Intent allows candidates to receive campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses during the campaign period. A candidate must submit a nomination package to appear on the ballot.

Once my Nomination Paper has been accepted by the Returning Officer, can I accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses?

Only candidates who have submitted a Notice of Intent may accept contributions and incur expenses. Visit Running as a Candidate for more information.

Contact Us

Edmonton Elections

Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am-4pm
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: Closed


Phone  780-496-8008

Address  16304 114 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3R8

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