The City provides employees with a total compensation package that's competitive in the market and includes a combination of base salary, comprehensive benefits and a commitment to work/life balance.

Your opinions will be heard, your ideas will be valued and your contributions will be rewarded.

Diversity and Inclusion

The City of Edmonton is committed to attracting and recruiting a workforce that is reflective of the diverse communities we serve. We intentionally seek and value diversity, as outlined in The Art of Inclusion: Our Diversity & Inclusion Framework .

Talent Diversification and Inclusion operates in clear alignment with the City of Edmonton’s Cultural Commitments to be Safe, Helpful, Accountable, Integrated and Excellent. By including and valuing diverse perspectives, we can better serve the needs of all Edmontonians and continue to build our great city.

Learn more at Talent Diversification and Inclusion Programs.

Employee Development

Employee Development Plans

Supervisors use Employee Development Plans as a way to provide continuous learning opportunities for their staff. Employees work with their supervisor to create a learning plan to improve and build on their skills. Once the learning plan has been approved, there are options and resources available to achieve the goals set.

There are a number of options available for development activities including a mentoring relationship, job shadowing, stretch assignments and coaching.

Development on the Job

The City provides employees with a number of development initiatives including: coaching, mentoring, acting appointments, secondments and the opportunity concept.


Employees are able to explore and develop certain knowledge areas, skill development or competencies with a coach who encourages them by providing experience, perspective and motivation.


Employees gain advice and suggestions from someone who has direct and relevant experience and information on the opportunity at hand. The following development opportunities are offered through formal channels and are subject to department approval.

Acting Appointments

An employee temporarily performs the duties related to a more senior position. To be eligible the employee must be fully qualified for the senior position and be performing a significant portion of the senior position’s duties.


An arrangement where an employee is assigned to work for another Branch no longer than two years in continuous duration. Secondments ideally provide an opportunity for the employee to develop new skills and to use their needed existing skills.

Opportunity Concept

The Opportunity Concept is designed to allow employees who possess most of the training and/or experience required for the position an opportunity to work in the position to develop the all necessary requirements. Under this program, performance is appraised every six months until the normal entry level job requirements for the position are reached.

Employee Recognition

Our Corporate Employee Recognition Program recognizes the commitment and achievements of City employees. Here are some ways that the City of Edmonton recognizes our employees:

Education Recognition

Employees achieving major educational milestones (certificate programs, diplomas, degrees, industry or professional designations) will be recognized at the discretion of their departments.

Employee Appreciation and Performance

Departments will continue to recognize and celebrate good work and accomplishments of their employees. Performance recognition occurs when an individual or group has successfully completed a noteworthy task or project and/or when the successful completion of a department project has a corporate-wide impact.

Employee Awards

City employees bring diverse skills, talents and experiences to their work and are recognized for it. The City of Edmonton values and recognizes the contributions of City staff in making Edmonton a great place to live, work and play. To further acknowledge these important contributions, the City offers a number of employee awards to highlight the exceptional service of City staff.

City Manager’s Awards

The City Manager's Occupational Health and Safety Award is presented to individuals and work groups who are nominated by their peers for making a significant contribution to the health and safety program in their area.

Environmental Excellence Award

The Charles Labatiuk Award for Environmental Excellence recognizes the many environmental champions of our corporation in three areas; environmental leadership, environmental innovation and continual environmental improvement.

Long Service Recognition

Long Service Recognition begins at 10 years of service and continues every 5 subsequent years. Employees may choose from a selection of gifts, the value of each gift complements the length of service. In addition, employees achieving major service milestones of 25, 30, 35 and 40 years will receive a certificate of appreciation signed by the Mayor and City Manager.

Occupational Health and Safety Awards

Corporate recognition will be given to individuals or work groups who continue to contribute in a positive way to the City’s occupational health and safety efforts.

Employee Training

City of Edmonton employees are encouraged to adopt a life long learning orientation. To this end employees receive support to achieve their learning goals as training and professional development contribute to productive, effective and engaged employees.

As a welcome to the City of Edmonton all permanent employees enrol in a series of Employee Orientation courses within the first three months of employment.

Employee Orientation Courses

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct states values, provides guidance and recommends action so employees can maintain the highest level of professional conduct - it also reminds employees of the policies and principles of conduct the City has always embraced.

FOIP in the City

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) is the Alberta legislation that protects the privacy of personal and confidential information. FOIP is part of the City's standard business practices. Employees are routinely asked questions regarding someone else's personal information, or the business information of a third party, and they must know the FOIP implications of such inquiries.

Respectful Workplace

City employees work in a complex environment dealing with a variety of individuals whether it be colleagues or the public. This course helps employees identify inappropriate behaviours and promote a work environment free from discrimination or harassment.

Life Long Learning

Continuing on the theme of a life long learning orientation, City employees can access a wide variety of courses with a focus on:

  • Communication Skills
  • Computer Training
  • Leadership Skills
  • Management and Supervisory Skills
  • Project Management
  • Safety and Wellness

Tuition Reimbursement

Employees may also be eligible for association membership fee reimbursement and tuition reimbursement for courses offered through outside Associations and Educational Institutions. Reimbursement is subject to department approval.

Health & Wellness

When you put your valuable time, knowledge and expertise to work at the City of Edmonton, we put a lot of unmatched resources to take care of your well-being!

Employee and Family Assistance

The City of Edmonton offers confidential counselling services to permanent employees and their families. Counsellors are available 7 days a week to provide professional assessments, short-term counselling, or referrals to appropriate community service programs.


The following paid holidays are recognized for permanent management employees at the City of Edmonton.

  • Boxing Day
  • Christmas Day
  • New Year’s Day
  • Alberta Family Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday (Easter Monday in lieu)
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Civic Holiday
  • Labour Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Remembrance Day

Note: The City of Edmonton is willing to accommodate employees' specific religious beliefs, creeds and festive days to allow employees to follow their faith. Time may be taken for holidays, other than those listed above, through the use of vacation, Earned Days Off (EDO) or time off without pay. Time off is based on operational requirements of the work area at the discretion of the supervisor.

Leave of Absence

The City of Edmonton offers a variety of leave programs to accommodate individual employee needs. The leave programs include the standard maternity, parental and personal leaves. Employees may also elect to fund their own leaves of absence in the form of an Annual Funded Leave for durations of less than 6 months, or a Self-Funded Leave, for durations of 6 months to a year. Leaves of absence are subject to approval and are administered by the Benefits team.


Vacation entitlement varies depending on the employee’s status, length of service and the relevant collective bargaining agreement. Permanent employees accrue a minimum of 15 days of paid vacation in their first year of continuous service.

Flexible Work Program

Employees who are members of Management, Civic Service Union 52 and Out of Scope may be eligible to participate in the Flexible Work Program (FWP), which requires employees work additional time each day to earn their days off.

Management Employees

# of FWP’s

Branch Managers


(ML 4 Salary Grade)


All Remaining Management


# of FWP’s per year
(Management Employees)

Daily Hrs.
of Work

Weekly Hrs.
of Work










# of FWP’s per year
(CSU 52* & Out of Scope Employees)

Daily Hrs.
of Work

Weekly Hrs.
of Work










*Civic Service Union 52

Savings & Benefits

The City of Edmonton believes in rewarding employees for a job well done beyond a competitive paycheck and outstanding benefits.

We appreciate the continuous and consistent contribution our employees make to work and we express our gratitude through the following unmatched perks.

Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP)

The Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) is a defined benefit pension plan and participation is mandatory for permanent City of Edmonton employees after no more than 1 year of service.

Your pension at retirement will be based on:

  • Your length of pensionable service
  • Your highest five-year average pensionable salary

This type of pension plan helps you prepare for your retirement because you can estimate your future pension income. The plan also provides you with a specified lifetime income upon retirement, regardless of market conditions and how long you live. LAPP also provides survivor benefits. The plan is funded by member and employer contributions and by investment earnings. An overview of the plan is available in LAPP at a Glance.

ETS At Work

Transit Savings
All permanent employees are eligible to participate in the ETS@Work program which offers 25% off the standard adult Arc fare cap.

Recreation Centres Discounts

The City of Edmonton offers a 50% admission discount to employees using City-operated swimming pools, fitness and recreation centres.

Employee Appreciation Events

Each year the City of Edmonton hosts appreciation events as a way to recognize employee dedication and hard work. Departments and branches demonstrate their appreciation by hosting events throughout the year for their employees. From summer barbeques to golf tournaments and even visits to the City Zoo, these are just a few examples of events run by the City for employees.

Hybrid Work

In a hybrid work environment, employees have the flexibility to complete their work from home and the office. The City of Edmonton is committed to creating a positive employee experience and is proud to offer a Hybrid Work Program for certain positions.

Working remotely for a scheduled number of days per week, eligible employees can participate in the Hybrid Work Program with approval from their respective business area. Hybrid work arrangements are voluntary and due to the diverse operational needs of the City, not all positions are eligible.

Continuation of the program is subject to periodic review and approval.