Filming, including photography, on City of Edmonton public property may require a permit.
As per City bylaws, all drone and Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) flights on City of Edmonton property require a permit. Permits will be issued to operators who will be filming for commercial purposes. At this time recreational drone flights are not permitted to launch or land on city public property, due to the nature and volume of requests. Recreational drone flights must launch and land from private property, such as your backyard, or another private property with permission from the property owner. All drone flights must adhere to Transport Canada regulations.
If you are filming, non-drone, for personal purposes, like a family video at a birthday party or pictures for a family album, then a permit is not required. This includes wedding photography.
Film permits are required to film any motion picture, television program, commercial, music video or commercial still photography on City property, including parkland, roadways and sidewalks.