If you are interested in placing an ad inside or outside of an ETS vehicle, digital screen, bus shelter or bench, contact our advertising partner Pattison Outdoor.
All content must comply with Advertising Standards Canada.
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If you are looking to advertise on a bus, play music in a transit centre or film on ETS property, we can help. There are many ways to do business with Edmonton Transit.
Edmonton Transit offers a number of ways to advertise, busk, vend or otherwise make use of ETS property.
If you are interested in placing an ad inside or outside of an ETS vehicle, digital screen, bus shelter or bench, contact our advertising partner Pattison Outdoor.
All content must comply with Advertising Standards Canada.
Interested in becoming an ETS Arc sales outlet? Please call 1-888-302-0001 for more information.
Musicians can perform on ETS property as part of our busker program. An appointment must be scheduled to arrange for an Edmonton Transit Service Busker Permit.
Looking for information about kiosks in ETS Transit Centres or LRT stations? Contact They can also provide details about City of Edmonton real estate, leasing and property management.
For permission to film on ETS property, please review our filming terms and conditions then contact
If you wish to sell, give or run activities on ETS property, please review the Vending Terms and Conditions then submit a Request to Vend Activities.
This information is being collected under the Authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and will be used to process your request. It is protected by the privacy provisions of the FOIP​ Act. If you have any questions about the collection of this data, contact Business Integration at Edmonton Tower on 10111 104 Avenue or email