Non-residential waste from the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sectors including Construction and Demolition (C&D), makes up between 60 and 70% of a municipality’s annual waste generation, yet it is not often regulated.


industrial complex

Any business having to do with the manufacturing of raw (primary) and finished (secondary) products, such as organic manufacturers (food products) including farms, wood products manufacturing, corrugated container manufacturers, pipe manufacturers and plastics manufacturing.



 Any business with activities focused on the exchange of goods and or services for a profit, such as retail stores, restaurants, hotels and businesses located in warehouses.


hospital flower garden

Any organization or entity focusing on not-for-profit services in the public interest, such as schools, hospitals, long-term care homes, group foster homes, buildings used for religious worship and recreational and community uses and gatherings.

Public Engagement

The City is currently engaging with the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sector to get a better understanding of waste management practices and discuss potential future policy tools that could advance waste reduction and diversion in the sector.

You may have received an invitation to participate in engagement opportunities or complete a questionnaire. We’re here to listen, collaborate and build solutions that work for you. Your input is essential in helping the City develop future policies.

While we tried to capture as many non-residential organizations across the city as possible, due to the high volume of organizations, we are still working to reach all of them.

If you have not been contacted to participate in the engagement, but consider yourself part of the ICI Sector, please reach out to

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a business owner/organization/school and am interested in starting to separate food scraps from our waste. Does the City have any programs or resources available?

The City is currently in the engagement phase of developing programs to better manage waste in your sector. In the meantime, we encourage you to contact your waste service provider to inquire about separate recycling and food scraps services or consider getting involved with a local food rescue group or charity.

We are committed to keeping you in the loop. Check back on this web page for updates as we move through the engagement process. 

What are the current rules for commercial businesses in Edmonton?

Currently the City does not require businesses to sort their waste into separate streams like residents do, but we do encourage businesses to take action voluntarily to reduce and divert more waste from landfill.

Why is the City getting involved with waste management in the ICI Sector?

The non-residential sector generates up to 70% of Edmonton’s waste, with at least half of it being organic material like food waste. This presents both a significant challenge and a major opportunity. 

The City of Edmonton is exploring how it can support waste reduction by identifying barriers and practical solutions. 


Under the direction of Council as part of the 25-year Waste Strategy, and in alignment with ConnectEdmonton and Edmonton’s Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Strategy, Waste Services is establishing a roadmap for managing waste generated through non-residential sources in Edmonton.