Vision 2050 was the public engagement approach to refresh Council’s strategic plan. With its strategic community focus, it was comprehensive and unique and it relied on a large number of diverse networks. The networks provided their personal and their organizational perspectives and acted as channels to gather feedback from the public they serve.

Throughout the discussions and workshops, common themes emerged: community of communities, character of Edmonton, equity, attractive economy and collaboration.

Feedback on each element of the plan, the vision, principles and goals, was collected and validated with over 5,000 (4,053 survey, 1,634 session participants) Edmontonians providing input.

ConnectEdmonton: Edmonton’s Strategic Plan 2019 - 2028, is based directly on the correlated feedback gathered throughout the engagement process and contains:

  • A vision statement which is the aspiration of Edmonton in the year 2050
  • A unifying principle of Connected to guide strategically-consistent decisions
  • Four strategic goals: Healthy City, Urban Places, Regional Prosperity and Climate Resilience, where change and action is required
  • An invitation to Edmontonians, public and private sectors and non-profit organizations to work together to make the vision come alive; and
  • A set of indicators to monitor the results of the collective impact