Ward Anirniq Councillor Erin Rutherford

Profile for City of Edmonton Anirniq Ward Councillor.

Erin was born and raised in Alberta and has lived in Edmonton for over 20 years. She resides in Ward Anirniq with her 2 children and a cat named Olive.

With many years of public sector experience, Erin has worked hard to drive change from within. For the last 12 years, Erin has focused her career on building community, working with many diverse communities. Erin has advocated for the rights of young people and LGBTQ2S+, supported public engagement on capital projects and led a team dedicated to major issues like poverty and homelessness and equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Erin holds an undergraduate degree in Anthropology and Human Geography, and a Masters of Arts (Community Development). Her community involvement includes several volunteer board positions including fundraising, program and social chair positions.

Erin is proud to serve the people of Ward Anirniq.

Ward Name Origin

Indigenous language of origin: Inuktun
Name Meaning: Breath of Life.

Pronunciation: A-nirk-nik

Contact Us

2nd Floor, City Hall
1 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2R7

Send a Message to Councillor Rutherford

Telephone 780-496-8136
Email erin.rutherford@edmonton.ca