The budget is the City’s plan for where we will get money (revenues) and how we will spend it (expenditures). It maps out how property tax dollars and other funding will be invested to provide the programs, services and construction projects Edmontonians rely on.

Every spring and fall, Council approves adjustments to our 4-year budget in response to significant changes.

Spring Budget Adjustment

On April 11, 2024, Administration released proposed adjustments to the 2023-2026 operating budget.

Administration is recommending an 8.7% property tax increase in 2024, which is 2.1% higher than what was approved in November 2023.

While we budgeted for cost increases, our actual costs are rising much higher than originally forecast and we need to make decisions to respond.

The recommended budget adjustments will allow the City to maintain funding for most of its 70 services that Edmontonians use every day. It will also allow the City to deliver on the over $16 million in service increases that City Council approved for 2024, including:

  • Operating the new Metro Line LRT to the new NAIT Station
  • Adding more bus service hours to improve public transit access and align to service standards
  • Expanding library service at Heritage Valley
  • Advancing the work on Edmonton's Anti-Racism Strategy and Truth and Reconciliation

If City Council approves the recommendations, Edmonton households would pay about $65 more in property taxes for every $100,000 of their assessed home value in 2024. Property taxes for the average household in Edmonton would be about $8.96 per day.

The report is scheduled for discussion at the City Council meeting on April 23 and 24.

News Release:  City releases proposed spring operating budget adjustments