Commercial Building Energy Benchmarking Program

Edmonton's Building Energy Benchmarking Program improves building energy efficiency, and contributes to significant energy savings and greenhouse gas reduction by providing owners with information about their building. 

The program supports building owners and operators to reduce energy consumption and will help them transition to the mandatory building energy labelling initiative announced by the Federal Government in the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

How to Participate in Year 8

Year 8 of the Building Energy Benchmarking (BEB) Program has been officially launched and we are accepting new registrations. The program is for owners and operators of buildings (over 1,000 square feet) in Edmonton. Anyone can register, however the building owner must consent to participation. Participants will benefit from technical support, customized building benchmarking reports, as well as information and access to financial incentives to help with the cost of retrofits.

Learn about the benefits of participating below. To participate:

  1. Sign Up. Complete the online Building Registration and Consent Form indicating which buildings will participate.  The deadline for registration is October 15, 2024Find out more about the registration and consent form.
  2. Collect Information. Follow the instructions in the  Participation Guide and the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Toolkit helping you create an ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager building profile for each registered building. Please contact Benchmarking Support Services for assistance.
  3. Share Data. Once your building profiles are complete, you will receive a request to share certain details about your building with the City. The deadline for data submission is November 15, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Marni Devlin Moses at