Engagement by Phase
Phase 1
In Phase 1 engagement, we invited input to help us refine the Ribbon of Green vision and guiding principles, and the Land Management Classification definitions and associated uses. We also asked about challenges and opportunities to help inform draft planning guidance for different areas in the River Valley, and invited early input to inform changes to the existing Area Redevelopment Plan.
Phase 1 What We Heard Report
Phase 2
In Phase 2 engagement, we invited input to help us confirm preliminary visions and direction for each of the 12 reaches within the River Valley and how the Land Management Classifications are applied. We also invited feedback on how decisions are made regarding project proposals in the River Valley.
Phase 2 What We Heard Report
Phase 3
In Phase 3 engagement, we invited input to help us finalize our vision and guiding principles for the River Valley, and the refined Land Management Classifications, which provide direction for appropriate uses in different parts of the River Valley. We also invited feedback on draft planning guidance for the study area, including opportunities for ecological protection and restoration, access, gathering and enjoyment in the river valley. Finally, we shared refined draft direction for River Valley decision-making and public involvement in those decisions.
Phase 3 What We Heard Report
Phase 4
Phase 4 engagement invited input to help finalize the Ribbon of Green system-wide policies, Land Management Classifications, and Program and Ecological Guidance. We also invited feedback to help refine the draft River Valley ARP land use concept, land use policies, and decision-making process for future River Valley development proposals.
Phase 4 What We Heard Report